First and foremost, it's an action-adventure game where players will brawl with supernatural enemies using Hellboy's Right Hand of Doom and his gun, the Good Samaritan. Hellboy Web of Wyrd looks to give the Hellboy franchise a fresh start, though. RELATED: Elden Ring Player Makes Hellboy in the Game That's perhaps why a new Hellboy game hasn't been made since, though the devil-man has been playable in both Injustice 2 and Brawlhalla. Released in 20 respectively, the pair were both critically panned. Hellboy has been the focus of two major game releases, Hellboy: Dogs of the Night and Hellboy: The Science of Evil. It may feel like it's been some time since the recent Hellboy film, but it truly has been a very long time since the release of the most recent Hellboy game. Hellboy continues to have comics from creator Mike Mignola out semi-frequently, though, and Hellboy Web of Wyrd looks to capitalize on that continued success. Hellboy has fallen out of the pop culture conversation somewhat since the 2019 film rebooted Guillermo del Toro's pair of movies.

The Butterfly House was built in 1962 by an occultist. And while each story is on its own, they will be connected through the mysterious heritage of the Butterfly House. As in the comics, our protagonist sets out on a series of unforgettable adventures. This traditional roguelike-style adventure offers its players the opportunity to enjoy epic battles to the fullest. Original story by Dark Horse Comics and Michael Mignola Well, ah, you must prepare for monstrous battles!

After the agent disappears from view, Hellboy decides to investigate. Hellboy Web of Wyrd is both an exciting adventure and a classic action movie, which is seasoned with roguelike elements.